miércoles, 15 de julio de 2015

The wall

“The wall” directed by Alan Parker is a movie reflected on Pink Floyd’s album “The wall”. The film is full of metaphoric views and also the representation of the “wall” itself.

The simbolism of the wall can be analyzed in different ways. During the years later to the appearance of “the wall”, the simbolism of this had changed a lot metaphorically.
Firstly, by a good of varied audiovisuals effects they try to represent Pink’s life. A life of a character that is situated in a point of no-return. A character that suffered several complications during his life. His father went to war, his mother self-protected him in a high level and this situations put Pink in a very isolated actitude towards the others and keep very in touch with his mother. Also, in “Another brick in the wall” Waters represent the system of education the character was having and we see how this affect his actitude because it was a very opressor system of mind “thought control”. Also, we could think about the wall been the system that control and impose ideas into the people. A big barrier between system and the people. Beside that, the wall is also represented when the double-hammer appear. The hammer is a strong object that can be used to build and also, to destroy.  After analizing this appearences in the movie, we could infeer that all this complications that Pink had along the movie act like a brick that serv him to build his own wall. Walls are made to separate, by this, Pink build this wall to isolate from the system and people. But this turn into a negative separation, because Pink start to feel sensitive.

“The wall is still a protest action” Claim Waters three days ago. He claim that during the years, people think that the wall was the story of Pink and his complications mention before. “It is much less about the history of Pink and his loss on the concern of all people who lose wars” Claim Waters in this note. This mean, that The wall is a piece to all the people that have any kind of trouble and want to get in touch with the songs and with it’s experiences through that. We could think, that, is something much general that someone loosing someone in the war.

In conclusion, we can afirm that the wall is a common wall filled with different problems (bricks) and all those problems became a barrier between the people and the system. And by this, in a way it creates a protest action by the people that is behind this big wall that is the system. A wall construct by the problem of any who could get in touch with this wonderfull movie and this wonderfull letters written by Rogers Waters.

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